Marcus Haraldsson
I’m a journalist, author, photographer, and facilitator that connect science with society.
I come from Dalsland, Sweden, and live with my wife in Queens, New York City.
I am available for assignments, contact me on:
Gothenburg, 2023, portrait to the book: Barnen som ville rädda världen. Photo: Ola Kjelbye
Partial résumé:
- Covered stories from over 20 countries and lived in China, South Africa, Costa Rica, USA, and Sweden. Worked as staff and freelance for major Swedish news outlets (SvD, GP, ETC, SR etc), and magazines (Filter, Forskning & Framsteg, Sveriges Natur, Utemagasinet etc), and internationally for e.g. Men’s Journal and PBS Nova.
- During 2025 I am a Resident Researcher at the Gregorian Center for Research in the Humanities at New York Public Library.
- Worked as project leader, facilitator, and evaluator for international democracy projects for e g the EU-Commission, Open Society Foundations, and the Swedish Institute. Co-founded two inclusive-storytelling NGO’s ( &, and also accept assignments as facilitator, and editor.
- Speak and write professionally in Swedish, and English, can do work in Mandarin Chinese, and basic Spanish.
- Member of the Society of Environmental Journalism, Swedish Authors Guild, Journalism Union, Swedish P.E.N., and several other professional organisations., board member of the Swedish Fulbright Alumni Association.
- Run my own company, Haraldssonfoto, since 1999.
2011-12 - Master of Arts, Political Journalism, Columbia University, New York City
2010-11 - Media Studies & Documentary Film, The New School, New York City
2003-05 - Journalism Degree, JMK, Stockholm University, Sweden
1999-03 - Master of Social Science, Peace & Conflict Studies, Uppsala University, Sweden
2002-03 - Photojournalism, Nordens Fotoskola, Biskops Arnö, Sweden
1998-99 & 2005-06 - Mandarin Chinese, Sichuan University, China
2023 - Barnen som ville rädda världen
(The children who wanted to save the world), Offside Press
2017 - Last night in Sweden
Max Ström, (contributing photographer)
2016 - Värdegrund och mångkultur i handling
(Core values and multiculturalism in action), Liber, (chapter contributor)
2013 - Trettio: 30 år 30 fotografer
(Thirty: 30 years, 30 photographers) Nordens Fotoskola (contributing photographer)
2013 - Paddla i Dalsland
(Paddle in Dalsland), Calazo
2007 - En linje över Kina
(A Line Across China), Alfabeta
2013 & 2015 - What Border Have You Crossed?: Queens Museum, New York City, & Steneby konsthall, Dals Långed, Sweden
2010-2014 - African Traders: SADC Head of State Meeting Windhoek, Namibia; Johannesburg, South Africa; Blantyre, Malawi; Maputo, Mozambique; Lusaka, Zambia, & Harare, Zimbabwe (also in 18 Swedish cities)
2008-2009 - A Line Across China: Galleri Kontrast, Stockholm; Museum of Work, Norrköping, & half a dozen other Swedish cities
Scholarships and awards
Fulbright Scholar, Work Grant from the Swedish Authors Fund, Grantee of the Swedish Publicists’ Association, Swedish Journalism Union, Sweden-America Foundation, Columbia Alumni Fund and several others. Nominated as Swedish Environmental Journalist of the Year, and winner of the Dalsland Literary Prize.
Since 2005 I’ve guided 23 groups on up to month long trekking and cultural tours for Världens Resor across the highlands of China, Nepal, Tibet, Bhutan, Uzbekistan. Kyrgyzstan, India and Mongolia.
I like the outdoors, particularly climbing. And all kinds of sweets.
Costa Rica, 1990, on my first assignment as an “international investigative journalist”, as a 12-year old in the Children’s Rainforest. Photo: Monica Haraldsson Sträng